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Poem: Written By: E.S.

Power grasps only onto those who think they can handle it 

True power is perceived as ego, vengeance, regality 

Yet power can be undermined so easily, deceived, and manipulated. 

Power is an optical illusion cast through shadows of a high figure,

High figures are more often than not compromised,

If power is nothing more than a mere symbol? Does power exist? 

Power is an enigma, changing meaning with every word spoken from someone’s lips. 

Power must be redefined, again, and again. 

In order to filter to the finest grain.

Power must be redefined; 

Power should being able to speak words and it being heard across the seven seas

Power should be able to help every person who is struggling

Power should be able to make society truly free; free from oppressions and faulty systems

Power should be able to make society move forwards not backwards. 

Power is Power

For better for worse

It’s up to us how we use it. 

And it's up to us how we change it. 

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